Thank you for considering a gift to Creation Safaris. For over 34 years, we have taken people out to explore the wonders of creation. Now we are reaching out to churches and youth groups across America to inspire them to consider the benefits of Adventure, Worship and Education (AWE) outdoors in God’s creation.
Donations make it possible for us to upgrade the website and offer more exciting news stories and resources, including audio, video, book reviews and slide presentations. With your gift, we can expand the reach of this site and invite more outdoor educators to participate. The launch of our upgraded website in February, 2018 provides a more attractive platform for this ministry. Join us in support of this world-wide outreach.
Donations are managed by Master Plan Association, a California non-profit corporation which sponsors Creation-Evolution Headlines and Creation Safaris. Your tax-deductible contributions in support of these services are needed and very much appreciated!